Thursday, June 21, 2012

two weeks from instagram.

since i am behind, i'm covering two weeks of instagram photos today. last week was crazy stressful for me, but i feel like i really accomplished a lot. even though i spent a lot of time worrying for nothing, i can look back and be proud of how i handled myself.

1. crazy scary spider found outside at work | 2. loverboy and i at a friend's senior recital | 3. relaxing and playing with kittens after work | 4. pastel pants and toms = love | 5. another relaxing activity: watching king of the hill in bed | 6. our movie shoes | 7. chopping onions to relieve stress (and to make a sandwich) | 8. out running errands with baby sister and lover | 9. after filming a video | 10. proud of my silverware pyramid at work.

this week has been less stressful, but still a little much. i'm silently waiting for the summertime "calm" mentality to kick in, but it doesn't seem to be coming as quickly as i would like. i spent a lot of time at work this week, and a lot of time with the boy, but not a lot of time doing anything else.

1. all dolled up to go to the carnival with my love | 2. leaving, with all the lights in my rearview mirror | 3. apparently june 19th is juneteenth! | 4. my grandma put a giant senior portrait of me in her living room :) | 5. lover's brother's sign. ron paul 2012!

hope that wasn't an overload of photos.. next week will have less! i have plenty of new posts planned, and i hope you enjoy them!

<3 JS

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