Sunday, April 7, 2013

third semester schedule.

so, a couple of weeks ago i went to enroll in my third semester classes. since i came into college undecided and only chose to major in photography this semester, i will technically still be taking freshman classes next year, even though i have enough hours to be a junior.. weird, right?

i thought it would be cool to put my schedule up so that if someone sees this and we have a class together, that would be fun - or if you've taken similar classes, you can give me some insight!

9-11 AM: Photography I
12-1:30 PM: Art History I - Prehistoric to Renaissance
2-3 PM: Literary Perspectives - Fathers & Sons

9 AM-12 PM: Basic Drawing
12:30-2 PM: Intro to Philosophy

9-11 AM: Photography I
12-1:30 PM: Art History I - Prehistoric to Renaissance
2-3 PM: Literary Perspectives - Fathers & Sons
3-4 PM: Art Forum

9 AM-12 PM: Basic Drawing
12:30-2 PM: Intro to Philosophy

9-11 AM: Photography I
11 AM-12 PM: First Year Experience Seminar - Art
2-3 PM: Literary Perspectives - Fathers & Sons

it definitely won't be as easy to remember as this semester's schedule, but i'm super excited to start new classes! a couple of these classes will only be taught by their professors one last time in the fall, so i'm really happy that i could get into them :)

what does your next semester look like?
<3 JS

follow me on [twitter] @jostorrer
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

instagram - spring break edition!

i haven't updated my instagram posts on the blog in a long time! these are the photos from my spring break, and soon i'll update on the ones since then!

my photos:

josh took some photos, too!

my photos: 1. and 2. my little sister and i took our puppies on a walk at the beginning of spring break :) | 3. tiny road trip with josh back to the dorms to retrieve forgotten items and for his eye doctor's appointment | 4. super early-morning picture in the MCI airport before we got on the plane! | 5. layover in hotlanta! | 6. and 7. hanging out in downtown wilmington | 8. happy face photo after we went to the 6th street bridge and met some awesome OTH fans! | 9. and 10. a very cold beach experience.. it was beautiful nonetheless! 

josh's photos: 1. and 2. seeing the sights in wilmington our first day there | 3. and 4. the hugest rite of passage for an OTH fan: dribbling a basketball across the 6th street bridge just like lucas does in the opening credits for each episode! (wanna see footage of it? [click here]) | 5. and 6. josh takes pretty pictures of the beach :) | 7. leaving wilmington :/ | 8. the plane coming in over NYC for our second layover.

i hope you like seeing the photos we each chose to take of our time in wilmington! if you ever have a chance to visit, it's a pretty awesome city, even if you're not a one tree hill fan ;)

<3 JS

follow me on [twitter] @jostorrer
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follow me on [youtube] @jordanstorrer

videos from march!

here are all of the videos i published on my [youtube channel] in the month of march! each video is linked to the viewing page, so if you'd like to watch it, just click on it!

thank you for reading and subscribing!
<3 JS

follow me on [twitter] @jostorrer
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follow me on [youtube] @jordanstorrer