Monday, December 31, 2012


as i spend this last night of 2012 cuddling up with my love, i'll be right on the brink of a new part of myself. i have so many plans for this new year, and that includes new priorities. of course the things that are important to me now will still be important to me tomorrow, as well as in a year from now, but i need to realize a few things about myself.

firstly, i'm getting stuck in an entirely client-driven photography rut. while yes, client shoots are great - they earn me some cash, i get to experiment with different people, and i am able to give those clients a portrait shoot they'll always have - i also need to take the time to learn more about ME, starting with photography.

so, i've decided to take on another 365 project. i tried this a couple years ago and failed, but i have more of a concept this time. my last attempt was just "take a picture everyday," and this time i plan on a daily self portrait. 2013 is going to be, like i said, the year of me. i'm learning about myself, and that should include photography.

not only will i be able to think outside the box and get creative with composition because there is no sense of embarrassment, worries about looking dumb in front of someone else, etc, but i'll also learn even more about my newish camera, and let it become more of an extension of myself. i plan on taking my camera everywhere, and trying to document each day within the one photo. (i'll post these on facebook on my photography [page], if you're interested)

secondly, along with the "focusing on myself" idea, i'm going to lose weight. i debated about going into this on my blog because i've gotten a lot of new readers lately, but i decided to take that leap. i know so many girls my age that find it easy to stay in shape and look fantastic, but i'm not one of them. and when i think about that, i know that a lot of those girls probably talk badly about others with bodies like mine. the thing is, i don't blame them. i talk badly about my body.

however, that's going to change. if you read this blog or watch my youtube videos, i'm going to be updating weekly on what i'm doing fitness-wise, how it feels, and what i'm looking like. yes. i said what i'm looking like. that means all of you hecklers will be able to see me from a few weeks from now until the end of the year, and see how my body has changed.

more importantly, i'll be able to see what i'm working for, and maybe some other girls in my situation will, too. don't get me wrong, i have some cattiness in me. if you have ever talked to me in person, you probably know that i'm sarcastic, and judgmental, and that it is usually directed toward other girls. thing is, i'm really trying to put this into perspective for me, and others like me.

now, i started this blog to make me happy. me. not you, or your friends, or my parents, or anyone else. me. and i know that getting fitter and eating better and being more creative will make me happy, and this blog is going to be a tool to help me get there.


i know this post has been really different than usual, but i wanted to keep everyone posted on what to expect in the new year. the 365 project will promptly start on january 1, 2013, but the weight loss/fitness stuff may not make it up for a week or so.

thank you for your support! happy new year!
<3 JS

follow me on [twitter] @jostorrer
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a week from instagram.

this is definitely more than a week of instagram photos, but it's the last post of its kind for the year!

1. first party night out with my roomie | 2. odd photo from a new camera app i got this week | 3. spaghetti.. what's not to love? | 4. driving during the golden hour is my favorite - almost as much as shooting then | 5. i got a haircut! | 6. showing off my new bangs and orange lipstick: two risks i've taken lately | 7. my nail polish wishes for last month | 8. my town at night after a rain | 9. new candle from target! | 10. all of the gifts i got, wrapped and ready to be opened | 11. a bow on one of the gifts i gave to my daddy

next up will be a post dedicated to what i'm doing in the new year! 
thank you for reading!
<3 JS

follow me on [twitter] @jostorrer
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

most recent work.

hello, there! i know i've been on a terrible hiatus, but that's over now! i have so many posts coming up in the new year, but i wanted to end 2012 with 1) my most recent work, and 2) my last instagram post of the year!

these photos are of my personal work over the last few months - hope you enjoy!

thank you to these four ladies and one manly man (especially you, evan!) for brightening my art with your lovely personalities and looks!

see you in a bit with an instagram post!
<3 JS

follow me on [twitter] @jostorrer
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follow me on [youtube] @jordanstorrer

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

a week from instagram.

sorry i haven't been posting much.. it's been about a week now. i've been super busy working on assignments, including a nine page research paper and a calculus presentation, but they're both finally finished!

i decided to come back with an instagram post, because i feel like those are quick and easy to manage, plus, they're some of my favorite posts to look back through!

1. a new nail accent method i started this week! | 2. baby morg and i decorated the tree this week, and we each have ornaments we got when we went to the russian ballet's rendition of the nutcracker. so pretty! | 3. calculus.. l'hopital's rule | 4. all bundled up and feeling cute! | 5. joshy and i were listening to a 1990's country station on pandora and snuggling | 6. throwback of josh and i from the poison concert | 7. taken the other day, first time i wore my newest mac lipsick - rebel!

i hope to post more this week, but we'll just see how school goes! finals are coming up.. wish me luck. :/

<3 JS

follow me on [twitter] @jostorrer
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follow me on [youtube] @jordanstorrer

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

want not, waste not.

i decided to make a little list of clothing i had on my wishlist that have now sold out - either all together, or of my size. fun stuff. please excuse the image quality - i just took screenshots of the items!

Bathing Suits:





as disappointing as not having access to these things is, now i have time to lust over new items, don't i?

<3 JS

follow me on [twitter] @jostorrer
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