Thursday, June 7, 2012

a week from instagram + youtube update.

this week was a littttttttle weird. i spent most of it just hanging out with loverboy before he left for colorado, and since he's been gone, i've been with my family. nothing too exciting has happened.. but i got a journal! wooo, writing! here are some photos from my week, starting with the ice cream i am eating at this very moment:

1. ice cream | 2. lyla upside down at dinner | 3. baby bex | 4. sunset leaving grandma's | 5. manic panic white virgin toner for my hair | 6. barbie museum in my town | 7. me as a barbie | 8. view driving around with loverboy before the movie in the park | 9. tiny turtles | 10. a rescued baby raccoon | 11. gorgeous skyscape | 12. cleats | 13. softball sunsets | 14. giraffe at the zoo | 15. the zoo with my little cousins | 16. watching bunny (as always) | 17. sunrise before work today

i'm really not sure why my photo spacing is all wonky, but i tried to fix it twice, and i give up. whoopsies. also! here is my second-ever youtube video, which is mostly a birchbox review! 

that's really all there is for this week! my bb boy should be home from denver sometime tomorrow, and i can't wait to see his sweet face, but then i have to work the rest of the weekend. :(

that's all for now!
<3 JS

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