Tuesday, January 29, 2013


pictures of my life. like usual.

1. wearing a new shirt from my lovely roommate for christmas | 2. playing stupid dress up in my room at home | 3. crows in the road ahead of me | 4. started the casual vacancy by jk rowling over break.. haven't touched it since :/ | 5. and 6. my first drawings for my 2-D Design class this semester | 7. ootd first week back to classes | 8. wearing my unif hellraisers makes me happy. | 9. irene had a tired day at the cafe. | 10. it snowed! | 11. watching youtube and drinking hot cocoa in bed | 12. super foggy morning at college | 13. waiting for my empties video to export | 14. clean, clean, clean makeup brushes | 15. the brand new NARS+Andy Warhol Edie set i finally got!


<3 JS

Friday, January 25, 2013

model appreciation - cara delevingne.

right now, i can't get enough of this beautiful girl, so i thought i'd share her face with you! her name is cara delevingne, and she is DIVINE.

she just has the perfect pout, and the perfect cheekbones, and the perfect eyebrows, and the perfect facial expressions, and she's just perfect.

please let me know if you like these sorts of posts, and thanks for reading!
<3 JS

follow me on [twitter] @jostorrer
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Saturday, January 5, 2013

fitness - week one.

so today is wednesday, january 2nd, and i just had my first workout of the year. before my workout, i weighed myself. i was 164 pounds, and my BMI is 29.10, which is at risk for being overweight. while i'm nervous about sharing those numbers, i know that's all they are: numbers. and they'll go down with time. i'll weigh myself on sunday to start the new week!

for my first workout, i sort of wanted to take it easy and slide into a new routine, so i started off by stretching for a good ten minutes. i then did some exercises:

1) my first goal was 10 reps of jackknives. in the past, my favorite workouts were ab strength training, so i've decided to begin and end each workout with those sorts of things.
2) then, i knew that i needed to work on my flabby legs (don't be offended by that, it's true), so i started off with some lunges. i only did 10 reps on each leg for today, but i'll increase the amount of times i do those reps later.
3) next i did some triceps raises.. pretty self explanatory  i don't have access to weights right now, so i just used a water bottle - nice and easy does it.
4) i knew i needed to get some cardio in, but i honestly despise running. i think that's a big reason i haven't worked out in so long. however, all i forced myself to do today was power walk 0.5 miles at a speed of 3.8mph, which was almost to the point of jogging. it's not much, but i'll work my way back up.
5) i finished off my workout with some crunches. i did 20 reps each of regular and side crunches.

this week's playlist consists of the killers.. in case you were wondering. i'll be adding to this post each day i work out until saturday! 

today is thursday, and i let myself slack off a little.. a bad sign already. josh came over, and i didn't wake up early enough to work out before he got here, so after he left tonight, i did three sets of 50 crunches - one regular, the other two were side crunches. even though it's not much, i wanted to do something. tomorrow i work at 6 AM, but i'm going to try to work out when i get home. *here's hoping*

friday i got sick.

saturday i was still sick.

sunday is going to be my day of rest.. that may change when i get back to college, but i'll figure that out in a few weeks! overall, even though this week wasn't just like, fitness heaven, or something, it was a good start other than getting sick. hopefully i'll be over it by monday and i can get back on the wagon!

thank you for reading! 
<3 JS

follow me on [twitter] @jostorrer
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wishlist: top 10 nail polishes.

i'm going to be starting a new portion of my blog next week: manicure mondays! i'll be taking photos and reviewing the polish i am wearing for the week, and posting my thoughts here! to start all of that off, i thought i'd share the ten nail polishes i'm lusting over at the moment. let's get started! 

(these are in no particular order, by the way)

1. China Glaze in Concrete Catwalk

2. Topshop Nails in Plume

3. Essie in Armed and Ready

4. Spoiled in Ants in My Pants

5. Essie in Play Date

6. Rimmel Metal Rush in Pearly Queen

7. Essie in Leading Lady

8. SpaRitual in Lucid

9. Nails Inc. in Chelsea Square

10. Nubar in Brilliant

so, those are my top picks for the next nail colors i'd love to get! unfortunately  the topshop one doesn't ship to the US, so.. if you live in the UK and want to hook me up, you should! i hope you'll like the new manicure monday idea, and you enjoy reading these as much as i like making them.

<3 JS

follow me on [twitter] @jostorrer
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